【同义词辨析】 2020-09-14 柔和soft-balmy

soft: implies a subduing of all that is vivid, intense, or forceful until it is agreeably soothing: took a walk in the ~ evening air.   subdue控制制服implies bringing under control by or as if by overpowering,如the police subdued the unruly man警察制服了狂燥的人)  (soothe有2个意思 1、使平静to cause someone to feel calmer, or less angry,如she sang to soothe the baby她唱歌使孩子安静下来 2、减轻疼痛to lessen the pain,如this cream soothes aching muscles药膏缓解肌肉疼痛,nothing can soothe their pain没有什么能缓解他们的痛苦; 形容词soothing表示make someone feel comfort or relief舒适缓解、舒缓,如soothing message/words给人安慰的消息/话语)   (soft本义是not firm or hard不硬,还引申出许多含义,如soft voice轻柔的声音,soft heart有同情心善良,soft word恭维的话,soft drink不含酒精的甜饮,software计算机程序,soft government不严格执法的政府,soft living安逸的生活,soft person身体不强壮的人,soft water矿物质少的水,soft mind表示头脑愚蠢或疯狂,soft spot有2个含义 1、强烈喜欢a strong liking,如he had a soft spot for children很喜欢小孩 2、弱点a weak point that can be attacked可能被攻击的弱点,如a soft point in our defense防御的弱点,本例walk in the soft evening air傍晚柔和的空气)

bland: implies the absence of anything that might disturb, stimulate, or irritate and may suggest insipidness: spent a week on a ~ diet.   insipid缺乏味道的implies a lack of sufficient taste or flavor to please or interest缺乏足够的味道,无法让人喜欢提起兴趣,如insipid art and dull prose乏味的美术作品无聊的散文,a cup of insipid coffee一杯淡而无味的咖啡)   disturb搅动stimulate刺激irritate惹怒   (bland强调乏味insipid,如a bland music/smile/statement/personality乏味音乐/淡然的笑/索然无味(乏味)的声明/沉闷的性格,本例bland diet清淡的饮食)

mild: stresses moderation or restraint of force or intensity: ~ weather; and is often applied to what induces a feeling of quiet beauty or serenity: spoke to the patient in a ~ tone.   moderate中等适度implies absence or avoidance of excess表示不过度不极端,等于restrained,如proceeded at a moderate rate of speed中速前进)   (mild强调moderate,restrained中等适度有限度,如mild punishment/criticism/irritation/amusement/disapproval轻微责罚/批评/恼怒/喜悦/不赞成,如川普医生说川普有mild symptoms       serenity静谧,和quiet同义

gentle: applies to things that are pleasant and agreeable rather than harsh, rough, fierce, strong, or irritating, and that produce a sense of placidity or tranquility or restrained power: a ~ rain.         (gentle有3个含义 1、温柔kind and quiet, not harsh or violent,如a very gentle man/dog温柔的男人/狗,如gentle eyes温柔的眼神 2、和缓不剧烈not hard or forceful,如gentle rain/breeze/push/reminder雨/风/推/稍作提醒  3、不陡峭not steep or sharp,如a gentle slope/hill/curve平缓的斜坡/小山/曲线)   placidity和tranquility也表示安静平静,和serene、calm四个词在同一组2017-12-13 平静calm-peaceful

lenient: stresses a relaxing, softening, or calming influence: the ~ effect of lanolin.     (这个词之前可表示emollient润肤的缓和的,如本例,现在只表示宽大not as strict or severe as expected when punishing,如a lenient teacher/judge/sentence/fine宽容的老师/法官/从宽的判刑/罚款)   lanolin绵阳油羊毛脂   注意soften中的t不发音

balmy: suggests refreshment and sometimes exhilaration, frequently coupled with a suggestion of fragrance: an unusually ~ day in early spring.   balm香膏     refreshment 1、少量食品饮料small amount of food or drinks如会议间隙提供的饮食 2、恢复体力精神焕发the fact of making someone feel stronger or less tired or hot,如a place to rest and find refreshment for mind and body休息和恢复身心的场所)  exhilaration兴高采烈a strong feeling of excitement and happiness,对balmy而言含义不明显,没有译出

soft柔和: 表示舒缓宜人,不鲜艳强烈粗暴,bland平淡: 指平淡(不去disturb搅动stimulate刺激irritate惹怒),也可指乏味,mild温和: 表示适度有限度,还可指人安静随和,gentle温柔: 表示令人愉快喜悦而不粗暴强烈,同样可以指人安静随和,lenient润肤缓和: 使放松软化缓和,balmy温暖芬芳: 像香膏一样芳香,使人精神焕发

记忆方法: 1)首字母SBMGLB排序成遍布美丽故事(最美好的性格)<==柔和    ""本义是"树木可曲可直",植物嫩软、不硬,如柔软柔嫩柔滑柔韧柔弱。引申为温和,如柔和柔顺柔情温柔。说文: "柔,木曲直也",上边的矛表意不详。

        2)柔和的意思是不严酷粗暴猛烈mean devoid of harshness, roughness, or intensity.